
Ficha temática



Aprendizajes esperados:

  • Formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.
  • Verbo to be.
  • Pronombres personales.
Recurso educativo desarrollado para el plan de estudios de la ENP de la UNAM. Versión 1.0.0
2014 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Hecho en México | © Todos los derechos reservados. Esta página electrónica puede ser reproducida, sin objeto comercial, siempre y cuando su contenido no se mutile o altere, se cite la fuente completa y la dirección Web de conformidad con el artículo 148 de la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor, de otra forma, se requerirá permiso previo y por escrito de la UNAM.


Escuela Nacional Preparatoria

  • Mary Elaine Meagher Sebesta Idea original, contenido y locución

Dirección General de Cómputo y de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación

  • Beatríz Rosales Rodríguez Desarrollo de sistemas
  • Antonieta Carrasco E. Diseño gráfico
  • Cristina Salgado Ceballos Grabación y edición de locución
  • Mario Alberto Hernández Mayorga Coordinación del desarrollo
  • Teresa Vázquez Mantecón Coordinación del proyecto


  • Ibn Arabi Andalusian. (1165-1240). The Wisdom of Islam.
Menú Menú Menú

Listen and learn

The Lover

El alumno adquirirá y desarrollará las habilidades comunicativas de comprensión de lectura, comprensión auditiva y producción escrita, a partir del nivel A1 hasta el nivel A2+, de acuerdo con los parámetros del Marco Común Europeo.

Listen to the following text.

The Lover

Ibn Arabi Andalusian mystic poet


The Wisdom of Islam

Now, listen again reading along with the written text.

The lover

A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.

She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?

He answered: ―It is I!

And she replied: ―There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house.

So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.

Years later he came back and knocked on her door.

The voice of his beloved asked: ―Who is it?

He answered: ―It is you yourself!

And the door opened wide.

The Lover

Ibn Arabi Andalusian mystic poet


The Wisdom of Islam

Listen to the text a third time and fill in the missing forms of the verb "to be" and personal pronouns. Remember the word that begins a sentence starts with a capital letter. Pay attention to punctuation.

The lover

  • reproducir A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.
  • reproducir She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?
  • reproducir He answered: ―It is I!
  • reproducir And she replied: ―There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house.
  • reproducir So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.
  • reproducir Years later he came back and knocked on her door.
  • reproducir The voice of his beloved asked: ―Who is it?
  • reproducir He answered: ―It is you yourself!
  • reproducir And the door opened wide.

The Lover

Ibn Arabi Andalusian mystic poet


The Wisdom of Islam


This time listen for the missing verbs and fill in the blanks.

The lover

  • reproducir A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.
  • reproducir She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?
  • reproducir He answered: "It is I!"
  • reproducir And she replied: "There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house."
  • reproducir So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.
  • reproducir Years later he came back and knocked on her door.
  • reproducir The voice of his beloved asked: "Who is it?"
  • reproducir He answered: "It is you yourself!"
  • reproducir And the door opened wide.

The Lover

Ibn Arabi Andalusian mystic poet


The Wisdom of Islam


Now listen to fill in all the missing dialogues.

The lover

  • reproducir A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.
  • reproducir She asked from behind the door: "Who is there?"
  • reproducir He answered: "It is I!"
  • reproducir And she replied: "There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house."
  • reproducir So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.
  • reproducir Years later he came back and knocked on her door.
  • reproducir The voice of his beloved asked: "Who is it?"
  • reproducir He answered: "It is you yourself!"
  • reproducir And the door opened wide.

The Lover

Ibn Arabi Andalusian mystic poet


The Wisdom of Islam



The lover

A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.

She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?

He answered: ―It is I!

And she replied: ―There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house.

So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.

Years later he came back and knocked on her door.

The voice of his beloved asked: ―Who is it?

He answered: ―It is you yourself!

And the door opened wide.

The Lover

Ibn Arabi Andalusian mystic poet


The Wisdom of Islam


Who's Who?

A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.

She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?

He answered: ―It is I!

And she replied: ―There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house.

So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.

Years later he came back and knocked on her door.

The voice of his beloved asked: ―Who is it?

He answered: ―It is you yourself!

And the door opened wide.

How many people are present?



Try again.

Drag the following expressions in the correct category.

The lover

A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.

She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?

He answered: ―It is I!




Clues from Punctuation

This dialogue is a series of questions and answers. Examine the punctuation to decide which is which and put the following expressions in the right category: drag the following expressions in the correct category.

The lover

A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.

She asked from behind the door: ―Who is there?

He answered: ―It is I!

And she replied: ―There is not enough room for both
you and me in the same house.

So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.

Years later he came back and knocked on her door.

The voice of his beloved asked: ―Who is it?

He answered: ―It is you yourself!

And the door opened wide.




Narration and Action in Past Tense

It is always important to recognize the way the author organizes his text: it is a fundamental part of the message he is communicating. This text is a typical narrative. The story is told in past tense and the dialogue is in present. Reread the text to discover in which order the following actions occurred and number them according to the right sequence.
  • She asked, "Who is there?"
  • He went to the desert to meditate.
  • Her lover answered, "It is you yourself!"
  • The lover knocked on the door of his beloved.
  • Her lover answered, "It is I!"
  • She asked again, "Who is it?"
  • The door opened wide.
  • She told him there is not room for both of us in the same house.
  • He came back and knocked on the door again.



Archaic Expressions

This poem was written quite some time ago (in the late 12th or early 13th century). There are several archaic expressions. Frequently, these expressions have the prefix be–. This prefix has several meanings. It may mean completely or thoroughly or give a causative meaning to the verb, among others. Understanding these archaic expressions will help you read literature, especially when the literary works were not written recently.

Match the archaic expression (marked in bold) with its meaning by writing the correct letter in the blank.

  • a. A man madly in love knocked on the door of his beloved.
  • b. So he betook himself to the desert to meditate.
  • past tense of cause to go (take himself)
  • the woman he loves

A group of letters added to the beginning of a word to create a new word.



Multiple Meanings

Most words have several meanings. Recognizing this will help you use the words you know more effectively.
Which of the following corresponds to the meaning of room in this sentence?

"There is not enough room for both you and me in the same house."



Try again.

Antonyms (opposites)

One way of learning words is to associate them with their opposites: their antonyms. These words possess an inherently incompatible binary relationship. Something that is long can't be short. Something that is up can't be down. Understanding the relationship between opposites can increase your vocabulary and your ability to correctly use the new words you have learned.

Join words from the following list to their antonyms:

went out
in front of
came back




  • Why did his beloved open the door when her lover answered "It is you yourself?"
  • What do you think about this story?
  • Do you agree with the concept of love expressed in this poem? Send your opinions to the forum.


  • Write a short story with all the actions in past tense and the dialogues in present.
  • Illustrate your stories and send them to the forum.